

Is the horn like the french horn?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Those are two terms for the same instrument.

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Q: Is the horn like the french horn?
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What is the timbre of the french horn?

it is like the voice of a mouse

Why is french horn called a french horn?

The reason why the french horn is called a french horn is because, even if it started to develop in Germany it was completed in France, heinz the name French Horn

How should the French horn sound?

I should sound a little bit loud and not like a cow. I should know because I play the French Horn

Is a mellophone a horn?

Kinda. A mellophone is a trumpet pitched like a french horn. It has mostly trumpet fingerings.

Is French horn a brass?

The French horn is a brass.

What is the funniest French Horn joke ever?

How do you make a trombone sound like a french horn? Put your hand in the bell and play all of the notes wrong. This is coming from a horn player, btw

How does the french horn sound?

Boochaka Boo Boo BOOchaka like a french horn "der dum der dum dum der" bla bla

Which brass intrument was originally used for hunting?

The French horn. Though a brass instrument it most often sits with the woodwinds.

What is the French word for horn?

A horn is 'une corne' (fem.) in French.

Ano ang French horn?

ang french horn ay./.........

Did the Beach Boys have a French Horn in any of their music?

no they didn't have a F horn (French Horn) in their music

Is the 'horn' in French Horn capitalized?

No, horn does not need to be capitalised.