

Is the length of seconds pendulum is constant?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Is the length of seconds pendulum is constant?
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What is the length of simple pendulum when it ticks seconds?

known to be seconds pendulum,the length would be almost 1m when acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s2

If the period of a pendulum on Earth is 1.8 seconds what is the length of the pendulum?

Approx 80.5 centimetres.

What is the length of a pendulum that has a period of 4.89 seconds?

5.94 m

What would be the period of a pendulum with the length of 10 meters?

For a simple pendulum: Period = 6.3437 (rounded) seconds

Does the length of pendulum affect the period of vibration?

Yes. Given a constant for gravity, the period of the pendulum is a function of it's length to the center of mass. In a higher gravity, the period would be shorter for the same length of pendulum.

Time period of simple pendulum is three seconds the same pendulum taken at the moon - what will be its new time period?

This pendulum, which is 2.24m in length, would have a period of 7.36 seconds on the moon.

Why is it important to hold the mass and amplitude constant when testing the effect of length on the period of the pendulum?

Holding mass and amplitude constant ensures that the only variable being changed is the length of the pendulum, allowing for a clear understanding of the relationship between length and period. If mass or amplitude were not held constant, these factors could influence the period of the pendulum, leading to inaccurate conclusions about the impact of length.

What is the time period of pendulum whose length is 100cm?

2.01 seconds.

A simple pendulum of length 20cm took 120 seconds to complete 40 oscillation find its time period?

The period of a simple pendulum of length 20cm took 120 seconds to complete 40 oscillation is 0.9.

What changes can you make to affect the pendulum so that it can swing more or less swings in 15 seconds?

You can affect the pendulum to move down or up and it will be will might be 11 or 12 seconds because of the length and how you want the pendulum for it to move.

Why string should be unstretchable in pendulum?

A string should be unstretchable in a pendulum to ensure that the length of the pendulum remains constant, which is crucial for maintaining the periodicity of its motion. If the string stretches, it would change the effective length of the pendulum and affect its period of oscillation.

What is pendulum length?

The pendulum length is the distance from the point of suspension to the center of mass of a pendulum. It affects the period of the pendulum's swing, with longer lengths typically resulting in longer periods. A longer pendulum length will generally have a slower swing compared to a shorter length.