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Q: Is the marble arch bigger than the arc triomphe?
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How much taller is the arc de triomphe than the Arch of Titus in rome?

the Arc de Triomphe in Paris is 50 metres high, the Arc of Titus in Rome is 15.40 metres high.

Will a big marble go faster than a small marble and why?

A bigger marble will go faster because it has more weight.

Does the Arc De Triomphe cause accidents?

The Arc de Triomphe is a monument. It does not cause any more accidents than any other building.

Does the rock have lower density than a marble?

the rock has a greater volume than the marble

Why do tourists visit the Arc de Triomphe in Paris?

The Arc de Triomphe offers a beautiful view of Paris that is less expensive and less crowded than the Eiffel Tower (but not as high).

What is the difference between jade and marble?

Jade is prettier than marble.

What did The Romans engineers built aqueducts?

The simple arch (barrel arch) was invented by the Etruscans. The Romans developed a more complex arch, the vaulted arch. The vaulted arch, combined with the development of a type of concrete which was much superior than that of other civilisations, facilitated the construction of large scale building and bigger bridges. Roman bridges crossed much wider rivers and valleys and much deeper valleys. In the case of deep valleys, two or three rows of arches were built on top on each other to make the bridge taller. Roman concrete also set underwater and was used to build much bigger docks for ports. Concrete also made it possible to build much bigger and sophisticated domes compared to those of other civilisations. The the aqueducts were another very important innovation.

What is a form of calcium carbonate softer than marble but harder than chalk?

Limestone is softer than marble, but harder than chalk.

If you drop a marble into a glass of water the marble will sink because its?

Because the marble has a higher density than the water does

Why was David sculpted out of marble?

Because marble lasts longer than stone

How do you tell if an item is made of marble?

Marble is colder than room temperature

Would a larger marble roll faster than a smaller marble from an inclination?
