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NO mean: (average)add all the numbers, then divide by how many numbers you added!!

Median: you have to put allthe numbers in order and then get the middle number and if there are two middle numbers add them and divide them by two!!

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Q: Is the mean or median a better measure of a typical value?
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Related questions

What are some characteristics mode?

Mode is the most frequent value in a dataset. It is a measure of central tendency along with mean and median. Mode is useful for representing the typical value or category in a dataset.

How is the choice made between mean and median to describe the typical value related to the shape of the data distribution?

Either can be used for symmetrical distributions. For skewed data, the median may be more a appropriate measure of the central tendency - the "average".

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Which measure of central tendency is the middle value in a set of ordered data?

Median is your answer

How do you use median in maths?

The median is a measure of central tendency. In a set of data, it is the value such that half the observed values are larger and half are smaller.

Is there a measure of central location that the sum of deviations of each value will always be zero?

yes is it the median?

What is the most frequently occurring value of a data is a measure of?

It is the mode, which is sometimes introduced, along with the mean and median as a measure of "central tendency".

What is the Median of 8 5 9 2 2?

The median is 5, because two values (2 and 2) are less than 5, and an equal number of values (8 and 9) are greater than 5. Generally speaking, the median is more informative than the average (mean), although a proper calculation of a "typical value" of a list of values depends on what the typical value will be used for.

What is the relation between median and D 50 value?

For a set of data, the 50% percentile measure is the median. I've seen this referred to as the P50 measure. It is also referred to as the "d5" measure or the fifth decile. or Q2 measure of the second quartile. See related links.

Which measure of central tendency has a number of terms less than its value that is equal to the number of terms greater than its value?

The median.

What is an advantage to using the median when examining a set of data?

The median or mode should be used instead of the mean in distributions with extreme outliers. In such cases, the mean can be a misleading measure of central tendency and the median value or the mode value are typically more accurate measures.

Which measure of central location is found by arranging the data from smallest to largest and selecting the middle value?
