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no. they are different

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Q: Is the molecular model of water the same molecular model as oxygen?
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What is molecular model?

It's a model of a molecule.The term is used for three somewhat different concepts. It can refer either to a physical model of a molecule, or to a computer model of a molecule, or to a theoretical "model" of molecular behavior. The three are somewhat related, but still distinct.

What is molecular size of water compared with moisture?

Water and Moisture (water vapor) are the same molecules, just in different physical states. It's all water, so the molecular sizes are the same.

Which gas effuses faster at the same temperature molecular oxygen or atomic argon?

Molecular oxygen will effuse faster because: Molar Mass of O2: 32g Atomic Mass of Ar: 40g

Which have lowest specific heat capacity?

They will be the same because the molecular structure of the tea is the same as the molecular structure of water. The added tea to water does not affect the molecular structure of water.

What is the oxidation number for 5O2?

Atomic oxygen has oxidation number 0. Molecular oxygen also has 0 as oxidation number. It would be the same for five oxygen molecules as well.

What is hydrogen gas plus oxygen and carbon dioxide?

Hydrogen plus Oxygen can make many different substances. For example, H2O is water. But H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide.

How much oxygen does it take to produce water vapor?

The percentage of oxygen in water, vapors or ice is the same.

Are the oxygen levels same at different depths of water?

no the water levels those not stead the same

Where does water plants get CO2 from?

CO2 dissolves into the water the same as oxygen.

Can molecules with molecular formulas c4h10 and c4h10o be isomers of one another Why or why not?

No, because the second formula contains an oxygen atom and the first formula does not. Structural isomers must have the same numbers of all types of atoms.

How does a leafy sea dragon get oxygen?

Same way other fish get oxygen. Push water over their gills and removed dissolved oxygen from the water

Describe oxygen model in isotopes?

isotopes are just the same oxygen atom with a different number of protons