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The moon is neither fluorescent nor incandescent. It merely reflects sunlight.

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Q: Is the moon a fluorescent or incandescent source of light?
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What are source of visible light?

Sun, stars, planets, moon, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, LEDs, sparks, LCDs, hot glowing metal.

Is moon a source of light?

The moon's light is reflected from the sun, so the moon itself is not a source of light. The light you see is light hitting the moon from the sun.

Why is the ocean fluorescent at night?

it is the reflection of the moon light on the water i think.

What does light source refer to?

Light source refers to the main contributor of photons. In most instances "Out Doors" will mean the Sun is the main light source (often the only one) during the Day, or the Moon at night, even Stars can contribute some light. Other sources of light are manufactured, such as; fire, incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent light bulbs, neon lights and LED's just to name a few. Each has their own spectrum of light output. All artificial light sources are generally graded into different parts of the spectrum produced by sun light, for instance, common compact Fluorescent lights are normally labelled 'Warm white' (2800 to 3200 degrees Kelvin), 'Daylight' (4200 to 4700 dK)and Cool white' (5800 to 6800 dK).

Can you explain why the moon is not a source of light?

The moon is not a source of light because it simply reflects the suns light, therefore it is not a direct source of light

What does source refer to?

Light source refers to the main contributor of photons. In most instances "Out Doors" will mean the Sun is the main light source (often the only one) during the Day, or the Moon at night, even Stars can contribute some light. Other sources of light are manufactured, such as; fire, incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent light bulbs, neon lights and LED's just to name a few. Each has their own spectrum of light output. All artificial light sources are generally graded into different parts of the spectrum produced by sun light, for instance, common compact Fluorescent lights are normally labelled 'Warm white' (2800 to 3200 degrees Kelvin), 'Daylight' (4200 to 4700 dK)and Cool white' (5800 to 6800 dK).

Is moon source of light?

No. The moon reflects light off the sun.

Why does the moon shine if it is not a light source?

The Moon reflects the light of the Sun.

Is the sun direct light?

Yes because it is a source of light. However, the moon is not direct light as it is not a source. It reflects the light of the sun and that is why we see the moon as 'shining.'

What is a source of the Moon's light called?

Our sun is the source.

Does the moon has its own light source?

No. The moon shines because it reflects light from the Sun.

Is the moon a light source?

No, moon is not a light source, if we consider the moon as a light source, the mirror will also be called a source of light!!!! Every object seen by reflecting light from another object is called a non luminous body. As mirror, book, cup are not light sources, moon is not also a light source because it just reflect the light from the sun.