

Is the moon a star or a satellite?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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The Moon is a moon. A natural satellite of the Earth.

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Q: Is the moon a star or a satellite?
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Is moon astar?

No.:moon isnt a star...sun is a star...moon is a's satellite.

Is the moon classified a star?

No, a moon is not a star. It is an object that orbits a planet or something else that is not a star. It can also be called a satellite.

Is the moon a giant star?

No, the moon is not a star. It's a satellite in the solar system.

Is the moon or sun a star or planets?

The Moon is a natural satellite and the Sun is a star. The Moon is not a star. Neither the Moon nor the Sun are planets.

Does the moon and sun count as a planet?

No. The moon is a satellite and the sun is a star.

What is the moon if it is neither a planet or a star?

The moon is a moon, also known as a natural satellite.

Are sun and moon stars?

The Sun is a star. A moon is a (moon) also known as a: satellite.

Is the moon a burned out star?

No. The moon is a natural satellite which orbits our planet every month.

Is the moon the star of earth?

No. Moon is not the star. Stars have their own light. Moon doesn't have its own light & it just reflects the light of the sun. The moon is Earth's natural satellite.

Is The moon the earths closest star?

The moon is not a star. It is a large ball of rock that orbits Earth as a satellite. A star is a huge ball of burning gas. Our star is called The Sun.

Are the sun and moon both stars?

No, the sun and the moon are not both stars. Our Sun is known as a Main Sequence star, or just an average sized star. Our moon is a planetary satellite, but are kept as moons for short. A star is classified if it is bright and burns hydrogen and helium gas, while a moon, or planetary satellite, are classified when a smaller rocky object (the moon) orbits a planet.

Differences of the satellite and moon?

The Moon is a satellite.The Moon is a satellite.The Moon is a satellite.The Moon is a satellite.