

Is the moon always visible

Updated: 8/9/2023
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15y ago

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The sun is always directly shining on the moon except during a total lunar eclipse. During such an eclipse the earth blocks the sun from shining directly on the moon, although some red light bends around the earth to give the eclipsed moon its characteristic color. The only time that the moon is not visible from earth is when the moon is new. This is when the moon is between the earth and sun. It is the far side of the moon that is then fully lit by the sun, and of course not observable from earth's surface. During a solar eclipse the moon obscures part or all of the sun for those who can observe the eclipse; during these eclipses we are seeing the night time face of the moon, but we cannot make out any surface details. At all other times, some part of the moon's sunlit surface is visible from earth.

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No. The lighted portion of the moon is not visible on a cloudy night or during the new moon phase.

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15y ago

Assuming you're talking about viewing it from Earth, the answer is yes.

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11y ago

we can see earthlight from the moon.

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the surface of the moon reflects light emitted from the sun.

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No, because of rotation

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The moon is not always visible because the moon has a daily motion of about 25 hours so it will appear in different locations in the sky each day.

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It's true that the moon and visible planets are always within a few degrees of the ecliptic. They are all on the same plane.

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Nope! We always see the same side of the moon, even if it is a full moon.

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There is always a moon - it is our satellite, and is always visible somewhere. The moon "shape" is caused by the sunlight shining on it, and we see different lighted areas depending on where the moon is in relation to the earth.

Is there such thing as a night with no moon?

The moon will always be there, but there will be a time when the sun's rays won't shine on it, causing it not to be visible which is known as a new moon.

When can you see the moon from planet earth?

The moon orbits the Earth, so it is always visible from some point on Earth.

Which moon always has the same side facing the planet?

Most moons do that. Earth's Moon is the most readily visible example.

Is earth is visible from moon?

Yes, the Earth is visible from the moon

What fraction of the moon can be seen from the moon when the moon is at its third quarter phase?

Half of it, the same as always. Half of the visible side of the Moon will be brightly lit by the Sun, and the other half is often dimly visible by reflected earthshine, sunlight that is reflected from the Earth and then shines down on the night side of the Moon.

Why the visible moons shape changes?

Only the half of the moon that is illuminated by sunlight will be visible; the other half is dark. Because the relative positions of the Earth, moon, and sun are always changing, the viewer on Earth will see varying amounts of the illuminated half of the moon.

Do we have moon today?

We always have the moon visible in some parts of the world. If not seen from where you stand, it is either because it is on the other side of the world, or the daylight is too bright to see the moon.