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Merriam-Webster provides four definitions for the word "pathetic". With no specification leading to any one of them, the first is assumed.

1) having a capacity to move one to either compassionate or contemptuous pity.

With this definition, the most pathetic thing about Christians would be their strength in the face of persecution. Pity is a strong emotion, and many strong emotions are generated in response to feelings of inadequacy. Those who pity Christians do so for this reason.

Like a person who throws a rubber ball at a wall and wonders why the wall is throwing it back at them, those who pity Christians don't understand how they are the only relevant item in the dynamic.

The source of the pity is the the personal psychology of the person who pities the Christian. The internal state of the Christian has nothing to do with it.

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Q: Is the most pathetic thing about Christians is that without Christ they would fail to find purpose and meaning and good in life and go crazy from lack of being told what to think and do and say?
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