

Is the name for a female fish roe?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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no - roe is a packet of fish eggs carried within a female fish's body.

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Q: Is the name for a female fish roe?
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Mass of eggs inside female fish or sperm of a male fish used as food is called as?

"Roe" is the name given to fish eggs and sperm in cooking. The eggs are called "hard roe" and the sperm (milt) is called "soft roe".

What does ROE Stan for?

ROE stands for Return on Equity, which is a financial metric used to measure a company's profitability by calculating how much profit it generates with the money shareholders have invested.

What is the Opposite gender of roe?

Roe is the term for the eggs of fish. Gender is not determined until the roe is developed.

What kind of fish is a bloater?

A female herring full of roe.

What does the Mass of eggs inside female fish or sperm of a male fish used as food is called as?

In most fish the females is called 'hard roe' and the males is called 'soft roe' The roe of Sturgeon and Lump Fish is usually called 'caviar'.

What are eggs inside a fish called?

Fish eggs are called "roe" (the word is both singular and plural). As a food, the roe of certain fish (most famously, the sturgeon) is also called "caviar."

Is shad roe a fish?

Shad is a type of fish. Roe is the eggs of a fish.

How is roe extracted from fish?

Trout roe is extracted by vigorously massaging it out of the fish, male or female. It depends on the fish. Salmon roe usually requires the sacrifice of the salmon, since most salmon will die anyway after spawning. Sturgeon roe, from which we get caviar, requires the fish to be opened, more or less surgically. Depending on the fishery, those sturgeon may find their way into a fish market, or they may be stitched up and allowed to live on, producing more roe in the future.

What is smelt roe?

A smelt is a fish, and roe is fish eggs, so smelt roe is smelt eggs.

What is fish roe paste called?

a puree of fish roe may be called Pate.

What does roe mean?

Roe is the eggs or is the egg-filled ovary of fish and certain crustaceans; thus, lobster roe is eggs from the ovary of a lobster.Roe or hard roe is the fully ripe internal ovaries or egg masses of fish and certain marine animals, such as shrimp, scallop, and sea urchins. As a seafood, roe is used both as a cooked ingredient in many dishes and as a raw ingredient.Caviar is a name for processed, salted roe consumed as a delicacy.The term soft roe or white roe denotes fish milt.

Caviar is salted roe what the heck is roe?

Fish eggs