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The Earth has been moving in a "wobbly" changing position for thousands of years, making the stars not aligned the exact same way it was when the zodiac was put together. This is often discussed in Astrology classes and it is not new. People tend to believe that because of that, the zodiac is incorrect, regardless of Ophuichus. However, they are wrong. The zodiac chart is still pretty much able to predict the basics of your sign and it is not affected by this. Ophuichus does not apply to people born before 2009 as well. I've done my research and I've even read this from a trusted newspaper with direct quotes from a astrology college instructor.

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11y ago

The new sign of the zodiac, Ophiuchus, applies to people born between 30 November and 18 December. However, now that the 13th sign is in there, everyone's sign has changed.

I was going to tell you the new dates, but suffice to say, it probably won't change your life in any significant fashion other than buying a new keychain.

The new zodiac sign doesn't apply to everyone. It only applies to people who are born after the "change" in the zodiac has been made. A horoscope is a chart of the exact positions of the planets and stars at the moment of birth. Since it is only recently that Ophiuchus has been considered part of the zodiac, those who were born before will still remain their "old" star sign. After all, you can't go back in the past and change the positions of the sun and the stars.

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13y ago

I believe only to people born after 2009. I am not sure. For now, just stay with your old sign. Until there are more news.

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How does the new zodiac signs work.. Does it apply to those born out of it or only newborns?

Im trying to find out also... i keep seeing people saying that it is for people born after 2009

What is the new Zodiac?

The zodiac has remained the same. There are 12 signs used in the traditional western zodiac. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, the dates for the zodiac signs have changed slightly in comparison to their traditional tropical dates. Astronomically there are 13 zodiac signs, because the Sun also goes through the constellation of Ophiuchus for a few days between November and December.

How does the new zodiac signs work?

There has been much speculation regarding the news that the Zodiac signs have changed. There will always be several schools of thought on the subject, but thus far, all professional astrologers I have contact with state that they have not changed.

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I believe that the strongest Zodiac couple would be Leo and Sagittarius. Both of these signs are adventurous and entertain themselves. Love is amusing to both parties and they love to connect and meet with new people. Leos are loyal and Sagittarius are inspiring. Leo's lover to be adored and Sagittarius love adoration. I personally thing this mix is very compatible. Not any one set of Zodiac signs are perfect everyone has their flaws and arguments.

What is an aquarious?

It is one of the zodiac signs, Aquarians are friendly, kind, independent and love calm surroundings, Aquarians love new ideas.

How do you spell the zodiac signs?

the new zodiac sign is Ophiuchus and its from November 29 till December 17. It is pronounced as (of-fee-u-cus) I am 98% sure it is pronounced like this. 2% sure it is not.

Is there going be a new movie on the Zodiac Killer?

I have not heard anything about a new Zodiac movie.

Did new year have a zodiac?

yes every year there is a different zodiac.

Is there really a new zodiac sign?

No, they discovered that the dates that define the horoscopes are not quite accurate. The cusp (borderline dates) of each horoscope is out by a few days, therefore if you are an Aries in the old system, you should also be reading the previous sign, which is pisces, and so on.

How many degrees of sky does each zodiac represents?

There are 12 "houses" in the traditional signs of the zodiac, and the average is 15 degrees per house. But these were formalized about 1600 years ago, and precession (a long, slow wobble of the axis of the Earth's rotation) has made them somewhat inaccurate. A new imagining of the zodiac last year included 13 "houses", of different sizes.

Is there a year of the cat in Chinese New Year?

No, the cat is not included in the twelve zodiac animals on the Chinese calendar. The twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac signs are arranged in order starting from Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

Why are the astrology signs changing?

There has been much speculation regarding the news that the Zodiac signs have changed. There will always be several schools of thought on the subject, but thus far, all professional astrologers I have contact with state that they have not changed.