

Is the north star north of the celestial equator?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Yes. The North Star is aligned with the celestial north pole.

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Q: Is the north star north of the celestial equator?
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Half. The other half is south of the celestial equator.It depends on the where you're looking from (at the equator it is half and half). If you are at latitude 30 degrees north, then about 2/3 of "your" sky is north of the celestial equator (30 degrees north means that you are one-third of the way north from the equator to the North Pole.)

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If you are standing at the north or south pole, then the celestial equator coincides with your horizon. At other latitudes, half of the celestial equator is above the horizon, and half is below it.

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No. Argenrtina is entirely south of the equator, so the north celestial pole is not visible.

Does a star that is located 30 degrees north of the celestial equator have 30 degrees declination?

Yes. "Declination" on the celestial coordinate system is the counterpart of "latitude" on the terrestrial coordinate system. Positive and negative declination correspond respectively to north and south latitude.

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On Friday, October 21, 2005 the moon was located South of the celestial equator.

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