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yes because the northern hemisphere is more winter than the sothern

NO. The earth's orbit is eliptical. Earth is closer in winter, but the tilt of the earth on its axis creates less effective heating due to a greater slant of the rays hitting the northern hemisphere but an even greater effect is that the amount of day time changes from a maximum of about 14 hours in summer to a minimum of about 10 hours in winter. Fewer hours for the sun to warm the earth during winter.

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Q: Is the northern hemisphere closer to the sun in the summer?
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Which hemisphere is closer to the sun when it is summer in the northern hemisphere?

i think it is the northern hemisphere because if you look at a picture of the earth on its tilt it looks like the southern hemishpere is closer to the sun.

When its winter in the northern hemisphere why is it summer in the southern hemisphere?

The earth is on an angle of 23.5 degrees. So one end of the planet is closer to the sun then the other. During the northern hemisphere's summer its is closest to the sun and the southern hemisphere is furthest from the sun.

Why is it summer in the northern hemisphere when it is winter in the southern hemisphere?

The earth is on an angle of 23.5 degrees. So one end of the planet is closer to the sun then the other. During the northern hemisphere's summer its is closest to the sun and the southern hemisphere is furthest from the sun.

Why is it warmer in the summer in the northern hemisphere?

Because during that season, the northern Hemisphere is closer to the sun. This is caused by the earth's axis tilt.

Is the closer to the sun in the summer?

No, the earth is further away from the sun when it is summer in the northern hemisphere, and closer in the winter, but because of the earth's axial tilt it receives the sun's rays more directly in summer.

What is the season in the northern hemisphere when the Earth's axis is tilted away from the Sun?

When the southern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun it is summer there and winter in the northern hemisphere. The Earth's axis is on a tilt relative to the Sun. This means that during the year as it follows its regular orbit around the Sun, for a period one hemisphere is closer to the Sun than the other. This is what creates the seasons we have on Earth. When one hemisphere is closer to the Sun more heat is felt there. This is known as "summer". This is similar to how holding your hand closer to a flame will make your hand feel warmer. Clearly, at the time one hemisphere is closer to our Sun, the other hemisphere is further away, meaning it is in "winter". When the two hemispheres are equidistant from the Sun then it is spring in one and autumn (fall - if you're American) in the other.

Where is the northern hemisphere in relation to the sun when it is the summer in the southern hemisphere?

In summer, the N. Hemisphere is oriented toward the Sun, while the S. Hemisphere is oriented away. In the winter, the opposite is true. The Earth is actually closer to the Sun in the N. Hemisphere Winter than in the Summer.

Where is the northern Hemisphere is related to the sun when it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere?

In summer, the N. Hemisphere is oriented toward the Sun, while the S. Hemisphere is oriented away. In the winter, the opposite is true. The Earth is actually closer to the Sun in the N. Hemisphere Winter than in the Summer.

Where is the Southern hemisphere in Relation to the sun when its summer in the northern hemisphere?

In summer, the N. Hemisphere is oriented toward the Sun, while the S. Hemisphere is oriented away. In the winter, the opposite is true. The Earth is actually closer to the Sun in the N. Hemisphere Winter than in the Summer.

Where is the southern hemisphere in the relation to the sun when it is summer in the northern hemisphere?

In summer, the N. Hemisphere is oriented toward the Sun, while the S. Hemisphere is oriented away. In the winter, the opposite is true. The Earth is actually closer to the Sun in the N. Hemisphere Winter than in the Summer.

Where is the southern hemisphere in relation to the sun when it is summer in the northern hemisphere?

In summer, the N. Hemisphere is oriented toward the Sun, while the S. Hemisphere is oriented away. In the winter, the opposite is true. The Earth is actually closer to the Sun in the N. Hemisphere Winter than in the Summer.

When is the earth closes to the sun in summer or winter?

The earth is actually closer to the sun during the winter in the northern hemisphere