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Q: Is the number of hours of daylight the same all over the world?
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When the sun is directallyoverthis the number of daylight hours equals the number of nittimehours all over the world?

The Equator

Is there ever a day when the daylight hours and night time hours are the same the world over?

Yes - at the summer and winter equinox

How does the tilt of earth's axis affect the number of daylight hours and temperature?

if the axis is over 90 degrees to the norh as it is in the summer

Average daylight hours?

The average daylight hours vary depending on the season and location. In general, locations closer to the equator experience more consistent daylight throughout the year, with around 12 hours of daylight per day. In contrast, regions closer to the poles can have extreme variations in daylight hours, with periods of continuous daylight in the summer and continuous darkness in the winter.

What is the term for the position the sun reaches when it is directly above the equator?

The Sun reaches an EQUINOX when it is directly above Earth's equator and the number of daylight hours equals the number of nighttime hours all over the world. At this time, neither the northern or the southern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun.

When the sun is directly over this the number of daytime hours equal the number of night time hours in the world?


How many hours of darkness in 1 year?

It depends on where you are Not Really, If you live on the Equator, Every 24 hour period has 12 hours of daylight, and twelve hours of darkness. For every one else, there are only two 24 hour periods during the year When daylight hours equal night hours. These two days are the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox. (Equinox means equal). If you account for the differences in the number of daylight and dark hours in a 24 hour period, over an entire year, the average is 4380 hours each for daylight and darkness.

Is it daylight all over the world at the time then nighttime all over the world at the same time?


Can is it possible to have daylight over the whole world at the same time?

No, the sun can only caste sunlight (daylight) over the surface of the globe (earth) that is facing towards it at any one time.

What latitudes would experience the most hours of daylight on June 22?

The sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, latitude 23.5 degrees north of the Equator. This has the most hours of daylight on June 22nd, which is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.

Why are daylight and nighttime of equal length at the equinox?

Yes they are equal because equinox means equal nights.

How long are the days in the desert?

The length of the day is governed by the latitude and season of the year. The Mojave will have the same amount of daylight as other areas of the world at the same latitude and season. Being a desert does not increase/decrease the number of hours of daylight.