

Is the ozone layer depleting over antacrtica?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The ozone layer depletes everywhere. The poles develop an "ozone hole" in late winter / early spring at that pole. The hole has nothing to do with depletion, it has likely occurred every year for the last 500 million years.

Depletion shows up in how soon the hole starts, how long it lasts, and how little ozone is present in it.

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Q: Is the ozone layer depleting over antacrtica?
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Does Australia has ozone lyer?

Ozone layer is depleting. Austrailia has a major hole over it.

Which layer ozone is depleting?

Ozone layer is depletion is happening in the stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere. It is majorly concentrated over Antarctica's atmosphere.

Where does the ozone layer depleted?

The ozone layer gets depleted where temperature is cool. It is because of the property of ozone.

What happens to the ozone layer surronding the earth?

The ozone layer surrounding earth is being depleted. It is due to the use of CFC's.

Why should you continue to monitor the ozone?

It is a measure of depleting chemicals. We have staff near the South Pole, and they can do this monitoring too.See "What makes scientists think the ozone layer is thinning?"

Where has ozone layer decreased and why?

Ozone layer is depletion is happening in the stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere. It is majorly concentrated over Antarctica's atmosphere. The substances that are causing ozone layer depletion are freons, CFC's etc.. These are called as ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

Where is the biggest hole in the earths ozone layer?

Ozone layer is depletion is happening in the stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere. It is majorly concentrated over Antarctica's atmosphere.

What does the ozone hole look like today?

It is starting to get smaller and is located over Australia

Does oil affect the ozone layer?

It does not directly affect it, but it over use of oil does contribute to global warming, and global warming combined with other harming effects on Earth are depleting the ozone layer, so in a way, yes! --Ashlyn <3

What have humans done to damage the ozone layer?

The ozone layer is damaged over the poles. It is due to the low temperature.

Is it true that ozone is not depleting but there is a false warning about it?

No, it is not true that ozone is not depleting. Ozone depletion is a well-established scientific fact caused by the release of certain chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), into the atmosphere. This depletion has led to the formation of the ozone hole in some regions, particularly over the poles. The warnings about ozone depletion are based on extensive scientific research and observations.

Where is the ozone decreasing in the ozone layer?

Mostly over Antarctica, and to a lesser extent over the North Pole. Thanks to worldwide agreement and compliance with the 1987 UN Montreal Protocol (which agreed to phase out ozone depleting chemicals) global ozone depletion is no longer increasing. The Montreal Protocol is the most (some would say only) successful international agreement and scientists hope the ozone layer will have completely recovered by 2060.