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No,they arelocated more superior and closer to the ears.

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14y ago

At the back of the mouth it is one of the salivary glands

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Q: Is the parotid salivary gland located in the anterior triangle of the neck?
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What are the names of salivary glands found anterior to the ear?

The salivary gland located anterior to the ear is the Parotid Gland.The parotid glands

What is the parotid gland?

A salivary gland located on each side of the head anterior and inferior to the ears. it is the biggest salivary gland.The parotid gland secretes saliva into the mouth, making food easier to chew and swallow.

Salivary gland located near the ear?

Parotid gland

What salivary gland is the largest?

The largest salivary gland is parotid

The largest of the salivary glands is which one?

The largest of the salivary glands is the parotid gland. It is located near the ear and plays a major role in producing saliva that helps with chewing and swallowing food.

Salivary glands whose ducts open lateral to lingual frenulum?

PAROTID GLAND secretes saliva into the oral cavity through parotid duct which opens at the level of upper second molar.

Which salivary gland produces a serous secretion containing large amounts of salivary amylase?

The parotid gland produces a serous secretion containing large amounts of salivary amylase, an enzyme that helps break down carbohydrates in the mouth during digestion.

What are the three salivary glands?

Parotid,submandibular and sublingualglands.

What are six salivary glands?

submandibular parotid sublingual

What is another name for the parotid duct?

Stensen's duct is another name for the parotid salivary gland duct

What is the parotid gland used for?

The parotid gland is one of the salivary glands in humans. In fact, it is the largest salivary gland. It releases saliva into the mouth to begin the processes of digestion and swallowing.

What are the three sets of salivary glands on horses?

The 3 sets of salivary glands are as follows: parotid is the largest and is located near the poll (poll is the place right behind the ears.) submaxillary is located in the jaw. sublingual is located under the tongue.