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Q: Is the pin oak leaf simple or compound?
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Related questions

Is a Pin Oak leaf opposite or alternate?

Pin Oak leaves are simple and alternate.

Is pin oak leaf an alternate or opposite leaf?

They're alternate.

What is the common name of a pin oak leave?

Pin oak

Is a pin oak tree a conifer or deciduous tree?

The Pin Oak Quercus palustris is deciduous.

When was Pin Oak Middle School created?

Pin Oak Middle School was created in 2002.

What oak trees are native to Arkansas?

White oak, bur oak, red oak, pin oak

Red oak white oak pin oak and post oak all belong to the same?

Red oak, white oak, pin oak and post oak all belong to the same genus. Genus is another word for group or family.

What was the oak leaf medal giving for?

The Oak Leaf Cluster is not a medal. It is a small pin in the shape of an oak leaf that is issued for the 2nd (and 3rd and 4th) time you receive a medal. If you earned a Purple Heart Medal for being wounded, then the second time you would be issued "an oak leaf to the Purple Heart Medal". Campaign Medals were issued for service in a region for a specific time. Then if you continued serving and were in another campaign, you would receive a 2nd Oak Leaf to the Campaign Medal. Thus the Normandy landing was one campaign. Then if you fought into Germany there was one for that.

Where is the leaf pin on Club Penguin?

The leaf pin is not around anymore on Club Penguin.

What are the different types of oak trees that grow in America?

Water Oak Pin Oak red oak white oak

Does Pin Oak need a crosspollinator?


Do Pin Oak Trees produce acorns every year?

The pin oak Quercus palustrus produces acorns in the Autumn