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Q: Is the pin part of a pushpin longer than the pin on a thumbtack?
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Why does a thumbtack sink inwater?

Huh, can't you float a thumbtack in water? If it sinks, it means that the amount of water displaced weighs less than the tack.

Which has greater mass banana or thumbtack?

A banana has the greater mass of the two, unless the thumbtack is made of something extremely dense, like neutronium.

Could a thumbtack float or sink?

A thumbtack is typically denser than water so it would sink if placed in water. However, if the surface tension of the water is strong enough, a thumbtack might be able to "float" on the surface, supported by the surface tension.

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alligators live longer because they are larger and longer and has a larger part of everything than a crocodile

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Why do pushpins sink?

Pushpins sink because they are denser than water. The pushpin's material, usually metal or plastic, is heavier than water, causing it to sink when placed in water.

What does it mean if one arm is longer than the other?

It means nothing. Everybody has a body part that is bigger or longer than the other. Knowbody's perfect

What is the definition of the word thumbtack?

A thumbtack is a small nail with an unusually large head, that is designed to be pushed into place by a thumb, rather than by a hammer, as would be done with a regular nail. Thumbtacks are normally used to hold pieces of paper in place, on a cork board, wall, etc.

Is one part of the respiratory cycle longer than the other in resting respiration?


Is a line longer than a line segment?

A line extends forever into space and a line segment is a segment or part of a line, so a line is longer than a line segment.

Is the male part of a flower longer than the females?

It depends on what kind of flower you're talking about. There is no reason that one of the sex organs would always be longer than the other.

Why intestine of the rat is longer than colon of the rat?

The small intestine is the longest part of the digestive system, the colon is part of the large intestine which is shorter than the small intestine.