

Is the platypus primitive

Updated: 12/10/2022
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13y ago

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No. Early scientists who first examined the platypus assumed that, because it lays eggs, it was primitive. More advanced scientific methods since then have indicated that the platypus is not at all primitive, but highly developed. It is one of the earliest known species, and one which had hardly changed from its earlier form, but this does not mean it is "primitive".

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Q: Is the platypus primitive
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Why do platypus doesn't give birth?

The platypus species is very old, so it still has some of the early "primitive" traits of the reptile ancestors despite being considered a mammal.

Is a platypus a bird or a fish?

The platypus is a mammal. Although it lays eggs in a burrow, and hunts for food in the water, it is a warm-blooded mammal that breathes using lungs, not gills. It also feeds its young on mothers' milk, something which no fish does.

Why egg laying platypus is considered as an mammal?

The platypus is considered to be a primitive mammal which still has some reptilian characteristics, but it does have fur, and it does secrete milk to feed its offspring, and those are key mammalian characteristics that no reptile has. Correction: In recent decades, scientists have debunked the theory that platypuses and their egg-laying relatives, echidnas, are primitive. Egg-laying mammals are called monotremes, and it is no longer believed that monotremes are primitive mammals.

What primitive animals live only in Australia?

Chances are that the answer to this question is supposed to be the platypus and echidna because they are egg-laying mammals and thus considered to be primitive. (Incidentally, one species of echidna is also found in Papua New Guinea.) However, modern science has discarded such old-fashioned concepts, and scientists tend to agree that the platypus and echidna are both highly advanced creatures, and not primitive at all.

What is a platypus's bill?

a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

What is Platypus bill?

a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

What is the binomial name for the platypus?

Ornithorhynchus anatinusThe original name was Platypus anatinus, from Greek and Latin words meaning "flat-footed, duck-like". After realising that the name "platypus" had already be given to a group of beetles, the scientist involved assigned the platypus the scientific name of Ornithorhynchus anatinus, the first word of which means "bird-like snout".

Is a platypus a hoarder?

No. The platypus is not a hoarder.

Is a platypus a primate?

A Platypus is not a primate.

What else can a platypus be called?

The platypus should not be called anything else. It is just a platypus. It is not a duckbilled platypus, or any other such misnomer.

Local name of platypus?

The platypus is called the platypus wherever one happens to be in Australia.