

Is the pope in charge of all Catholics?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Yes, he is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

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Q: Is the pope in charge of all Catholics?
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Related questions

Who is in charge of Catholics?

Jesus Christ is in charge through his vicar on earth Pope Benedict XVI.

Who is the leader of the Catholics?

The pope for Roman Catholics (Catholics who attend mass in the Latin rite), as well as for Catholics of the Byzantine Catholic Church, the Ethiopian Catholic Church, the Greek Catholic Church, the Maronite Catholic Church, the Assyrian Catholic Church, and many more, none of which celebrate the Roman rite, but all of which are in union with the Pope.

Do Catholics have a pope?

Yes. Pope Francis.

Who is the pope in St. Anthony's church?

St. Anthony was a Catholic. He did not found his own church. Therefore his pope is, or was, the same pope as all Catholics.

What name is for the followers of the pope?

Catholics are the followers of the Pope.

What does universal pope mean?

It means that the pope is the leader of the Universal Church - all of Christianity. However, non-Catholics dispute this and do not recognize the pope as their leader.

Which branch does Christianity does pope lead?

The pope leads all the Christian Church. However, only the Catholics recognize his leadership.

Why do all Catholics in the world share the same beliefs?

Unlike Protestants, Catholics have a central leadership - the Pope and bishops - who assure we are all share the same beliefs.

What unites catholics all over the world?

They all share the same faith and the same leader (the pope).

What year did Catholics get a new pope?

Pope Fancis became the new pope in 2013.

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What are the names of the followers of the pope?
