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Q: Is the primary force behind erosion gravity?
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Related questions

What is the driving force behind all agents of erosion?

Gravity is the driving force behind all agents of erosion. If there is no gravity, rain will not fall and running water will not happen. Similarly, wind, glacial activity and waves are driven by gravity.

What is the driving force behind weathering and deposition earosion?

Deposition 'erosion'? Water, wind, glaciers, waves, and gravity are considered the five agents of erosion.

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A landslide is an example of?

Landslides are caused by the force of gravity pulling on the rocks.

How does gravity differ from other agents of erosion?

gravity is pulling the rock materials down by its force but agents of erosion is changing of rocks

How does gravity work with wind to cause erosion?

The force applied by wind can overcome the force of gravity to move objects from their existing position. Erosion has occurred. As soon as gravity predominates over the wind, the object is deposited. The erosion has been halted.

What force and what can contribute to both erosion and mass wasting?

gravity and movement

What force and what cause contributes to erosion and mass wasting?

gravity and movement

Is gravity alone a weak or strong force of erosion why?

GRAVITY- may be the weakest force of nature, but it acts on all materials and in all places

Is gravity a force of erosion?

Gravity is an agent of erosion... I'm not quite sure if it is erosion. In the science textbook I have right in front of me it says and I quote, "Gravity, running water, waves, wind and glaciers are all causes, or agents, of erosion. Although it says it's an agent of erosion it doesn't say it is erosion. An agent is a "cause" of something.

Is gravity a form of erosion?

The Earth's gravity is the force that keeps our feet firmly on the ground. It has nothing to do with erosion, which is mainly caused by weathering - wind, sun, water, and ice.