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Liposuction to the chin is safe. Unlike other facial procedures it also results in minimal scaring.

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Q: Is the procedure of liposuction to the chin safe?
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Related questions

Is having liposuction on your face a safe procedure?

Liposuction is a relatively safe procedure. It is safer than the alternative, face lift. The surgery does not require any stitches and is a quick recovery.

Is liposuction surgery a safe thing?

In my opinion it is safe. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. I believe it is important for you to make a well informed decision. I am providing a link that has a lot of information about the liposuction procedure.

What questions should I ask before getting liposuction?

There are few questions that you can ask a Cosmetic surgeon before getting liposuction done, for your better clarity of the treatment procedure. Try to know the certifications and experience of the doctor Know the price of the procedure and ask about the availability of the insurance facility ? How is liposuction procedure performed? Does liposuction suits my body ? Is the liposuction procedure safe? what kind of scaring can be expected ? What is the recovery period post liposuction procedure ? What kind of care to be taken post surgery ? What are the potential complications associated post liposuction procedure ? How much fat loss or weight loss can I expect ?

What type of procedure is neck liposuction?

Usually neck liposuction is preformed when a patient is unhappy with his or her "double chin" or hanging neck. It is considered an outpatient procedure that only takes about an hour to complete. The patient feels little to no pain and should be back to work in 1-5 days.

Do they do chin liposuction in Thailand?

Yes, liposuction to the chin or "double chin" area is performed in Thailand. Those considering this surgery should discuss with their doctor to make sure other alternatives would not work before considering surgery.

Is calf liposuction a safe procedure?

Recent improvements in the procedure have made it much safer. Here is a site that has some background on the process:

What is the average cost of chin liposuction?

Chin liposuction costs will vary depending on where one has the surgery and which company provides it. In the United States the average cost is between $1500 and $2000.

What is the purpose of chin liposuction?

Chin liposuction is a very delicate operation. It's done on the face to extract the extra fat under the skin and to make the face beautiful. It's popular between women.

What are the health risks associated with a chin liposuction?

Most patients experience bruising, swelling, and pain when have a chin liposuction. Other possible side effects include scarring, infection, and rarely skin necrosis.

Should a teenage girl have a liposuction procedure?

Liposuction is not suggested for teens,as they are stll growing and developing.

Is liposuction dangerous?

There have been numerous safe and uneventful liposuction procedures. However, just like any other medical procedure available, it is NOT without risk. Some risks include blood clots, extra fluid retention, friction burns, nerve damage, damage to vital organs, etc. So, while it is supposed to be a safe procedure in general, there are always risks. Liposuction is dangerous because it has many side effects though they are not life threatening.

How much does a Tumescent Liposuction procedure cost?

Liposuction is a costly service that has only gotten more and more popular over the years. The average cost of a Tumescent Liposuction procedure is around three thousand dollars.