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Q: Is the reaction between carbon and oxygen exothermic?
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The combustion of coal is a change?

The combustion of coal is a chemical change - an exothermic reaction between carbon and oxygen.

Why respiration is considered as an exothermic reaction?

Respiration, which put simply is the reaction of oxygen and glucose to form water anc carbon dioxide, releases energy.

Can a exothermic reaction be used to fire an engine?

Yes. That is exactly what we use today. Most engines are powered by an exothermic reaction between gasoline or a similar fuel with oxygen.

What is an exmaple of a chemical reaction for exothermic?

Methane and oxygen react to form water and carbon dioxide and release considerable heat.

Respiration involvesa reaction between oxygen and?

Respiration involves reaction between oxygen and glucose. This is what forms carbon dioxide.

What happen when oxygen combines with a hydrocarbon to form water and carbon dioxide?

It reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat.

Is propane and oxygen changing into carbon dioxide and wateran exampleof exothermic reaction?

Yes, indeed, as anyone with a propane-fueled heater can experience!

When iron rusts is it an endothermic or exothermic reaction?

It is an endothermic reaction because in endothermic reaction energy is added .In that reaction nitrogen does not react with oxygen without energy added in the shape current . In that reaction 3000`current is applieded to take reaction b/w nitrogen and oxygen

What is the name of the type of reaction that produces heat?

exothermic reactions1) Combustion: A combustion reaction is when oxygen combines with another compound to form water and carbon dioxide. These reactions are exothermic, meaning they produce heat. An example of this kind of reaction is the burning of napthalene:C10H8 + 12 O2---> 10 CO2 + 4 H2O

What does not occur in photosynthesis?

Release of oxygen does not occur.

What are the reactants of glucose plus oxygen equals ATP plus carbon dioxide plus water plus heat?
