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Reaction of iron with oxygen to form iron oxide is an example for a chemical change as iron is getting oxidized to its oxide . The process is known as corrosion and the product is commonly known as rust.

See the Related Questions to the left for more information about chemical changes, physical changes, and rust itself.

iron rusts is a chemical change because you cant cahnge the way it is now.

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Q: Is the reaction of iron with oxygen to form iron oxides a physical or chemical change?
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Does oxygen rust iron?

Iron ores are frequently iron oxides and don't rust.

What cause acid precipitation?

Normally, rainwater has a pH of 5.6 because the carbon dioxide in the air combines with water to give a weak solution. Now we have rain with a pH of 5 and 4. The causes of this acid rain is the result of the burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gasoline. When fossil fuels are burned sulfer dioxide are produced and they combine with water vaper in the atmoshpere to form sulfuric and nitric acids. Acid rain affects lakes by making the water acidic, fish get sick and die. It also affects limestone buildings, statues, ect. Many trees in the woods get weak because of the water being more acidic.

Is acid rain harmful?

Yes, acid rain is considered harmful for plants, soil ,living organisms and even buildings. Acid rain is basically caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxides are released into the air. these substances rises high in the atmosphere and mix and react with water H2O and oxygen O2 to form acid pollutants , known as ACIDID RAIN... for example colour of Statue of Liberty is also changed by some affections of acid rain

What is a an organic compound?

An organic compound is any member of a large class of chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon. For historical reasons discussed below, a few types of compounds such as carbonates, simple oxides of carbon and cyanides, as well as the allotropes of carbon, are considered inorganic. The division between "organic" and "inorganic" carbon compounds while "useful in organizing the vast subject of somewhat arbitrary".[1]Organic chemistry is the science concerned with all aspects of organic compounds. Organic synthesis is the methodology of their preparation.

What is the scientific name of air?

Air is named as an atmosphere, and it is composed of (in the homosphere. But, please note that there is less air in higher elevations in the homoshere, though the percentages still stay the same): 1). 78% Nitrogen 2). 21% Oxygen 3). 1% Of many other gases. E.g., Argon, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfer Oxides, Airbourne Lead, Carbon Dioxide etc.

Related questions

Is a ship corrodes a physical or chemical change?

Corrosion of a ship is a chemical change because it involves a reaction between the metal of the ship and its environment (usually water and oxygen), leading to the formation of new compounds such as rust. This process alters the composition of the metal at a molecular level, distinguishing it as a chemical change.

Is a car rusting a physical or a chemical?

It's a chemical change; a car rusts because the iron on the car's surface react with oxygen and water to form iron oxides.

Why iron is a chemical change when it oxides?

Because the transformation of iron in oxides is a chemical raection, an oxydation. A new compound (molecule) is formed.

Why is fireworks a chemical change?

because with burning oxides are created - so all burning is a chemical change.

Is heating sand to its melting point a chemical or physical change?

Heating is purely physical, though at higher temperatures also some or many chemical reactions might take place: e.g. decomposition (break down) of mineral carbonates into oxides and carbon dioxide.

Is rust a physical are chemical?

Rust as seen on the surface of iron/steel is a physical entity ; a solid. . It is iron oxide. It has become rust by a chemical reaction. Iron has reacted with oxygen(air) (& Water is present ) to form rust . 2Fe (s) + 3O2 = Fe2O3(s) Iron has several oxides viz. FeO, Fe2O3, Fe3O4 FeO ( Iron(II) Oxide/ Ferrous Oxide) is a solid , green in colour and readily oxides to Fe2O3 . Fe2O3 ( Iron(III) Oxide/ Ferric Oxide) is a solid, red/brown in colour and stable( does not readily reduce in the air). Fe3O4 (Magnetite) is a dark coloured solid, stable at room temperatures , and was the 'lodestone' of viking navigators. As the name suggests it responds to magnetic fields.

Why burning of candle is a physical and chemical change?


How calcium carbonate change into oxides?

The reaction is:CaCO3==heating=====>CaO + CO2

When a candle is lit a pool of liquid wax formed in the area around the wick and then spills over the side and resolidifies is this a physical change or a chemical?

Solidification or freezing. Solidification. The wax solidifies.

What is caused by chemical reaction iron and oxygen?

The formation of iron oxides is caused by chemical reaction of iron and oxygen. Note, it is not rusting; rusting also requires the presence of water.

Why rusting of iron is chemical change?

Rusting of iron is a chemical change because it involves a chemical reaction between iron, oxygen, and water to form a new substance called iron oxide. This process cannot be easily reversed, and the properties of the original iron are changed as a result of the rusting process.

Is burning paper a physical change?

NO, it is a chemical change, because it cannot be reversed.No because it changes shape color Android more so its a physical changeBurning of paper is not a physical change. It is chemical change as ash is formed in the process which is new compound and oxides of carbon are also released during the process. By the definition of chemical change, we come to know that during chemical change a new substance must form. These changes are irreversible in nature.Yes because once you burn a piece of paper you just simply cannot turn it back to a blank sheet.