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Gonzalo Abernathy

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Q: Is the reason a moving object slows down is that its force of motion gradually runs out?
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What is it called when an object is moving?

momentum Further answer Momentum is the reason something keeps moving, it's not really what it's called. Motion or perpetual motion is more like the answer to the question.

What is it called when an object keeps moving?

momentum Further answer Momentum is the reason something keeps moving, it's not really what it's called. Motion or perpetual motion is more like the answer to the question.

Would it be correct to say that inertia is the reason a moving object continues motion when no force acts upon it?

Yes. Newton's First Law of Motion: Every body continues to remain in its state of rest or uniform motion unless it is acted on by an external, unbalanced force.

What was the main reason that early settlers gradually spread across the Americas?

They were nomadic hunters and had to keep moving in search of food

What is kinetic energy in simple words?

Kinetic energy is a form of energy that an object or a particle has by reason of its motion.

Is inertia the reason that for moving objects maintaining motion?

Not really. It's more like this tendency is explained with the word "inertia". This says nothing about the reason.

How do test with crash dummies seat belts and air bags illustrate Newton's first law of motion?

Because Newtons First law of motion is and object in motion stays in motion unless other outside forces are applied and and object at rest tends to stay at rest for the same reason

Can balanced forces act on a moving object explain your answer?

When the forces on an object are balanced, then they have the same effect on itas NO FORCE at all would have. That means that the object does not accelerate,and THAT means that it continues moving in a straight line, at a constant speed.If that didn't blow your mind, then please read it again. One of the things it tells usis that it doesn't take ANY FORCE to keep an object moving.

Are you moving toward a black hole?

Since we are always in motion and we have reason to believe that there are many black holes in the universe, there is bound to be one in the direction that we are moving. So, yes, I am moving toward a black hole. As are you.

How do you change a Venue to a different county?

Your attorney must file a motion with good reason to support moving the case. The judge will give each attorney their chance to argue for and against the motion.

Will the earth stop moving for 3 days?

Of course not. A moving object has a tendency to continue moving. It won't just stop, without any good reason - i.e., without a force that stops it.

What is the difference between Kinetic And Kinematic?

Kinetics is a concept only involved with the movement of objects, while dynamics focuses on the forces and their effects. In certain point of view, we can say kinetics only deals with the motions of objects, and dynamics with the reason why and how they moves.