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Absolutely! Christ was resurrected and so will everyone who has ever lived on this earth ==== If Christ is not raised then anyone's faith in Christ is in vain. Jesus predicted His resurrection. If He was not raised He is a liar. Same thing holds true for all His other predictions and promises. All must come to be or He is not whom He said He is.

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Q: Is the resurrection an essential doctrine of the Christian faith?
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Do Christians believe in Resurrection?

If a church believes that the Bible is true then it will believe in the resurrection. Also, since the resurrection is an essential Christian doctrine and the Christian faith is meaningless without it, you could not disbelieve it and still be considered Christian in any sense.

Is jesus rose from death?

Yes. It is the foundation of the Christian faith, Jesus' death and resurrection.

What did Martin Luther King Jr. have a doctrine in?

He advocated a doctrine of social justice and nonviolent resistance patterned after Gandhi. He was not a "fundamental" Christian by any means and did not believe the basic tenets of the Christian faith such as the deity of Jesus, His virgin birth or His resurrection. He became a Baptist preacher because he felt it was the best platform in America to share his ideas of social justice.

What is at the center of the Christian faith?

Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again

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Because they teach for doctrine the philosophies of man, mingled with scripture.

Who wrote the Protestant doctrine 'The Institutes of the Christian Church'?

In 1536, John Calvin published the The Institutes of the Christian Religion. The title is perhaps better translated as “Principles of the Christian Faith".

What customs do Christian people have to follow?

Putting full faith in Jesus, and observing His death and resurrection. Everything else is speculation.

Who can declare doctrine?

Anybody can declare a new Doctrine; but the question really is, will anybody adhere to it? The authority to declare doctrine varies depending on the Christian denomination, and I presume that it varies through time. Anybody can declare doctrine, but whether that doctrine survives depends on how many adhere to it. And I suspect the number of adherents depends on how useful the doctrine is to various individuals. In a free country, there is no official declarer of religious doctrine. In the Roman Catholic faith, the pope declares doctrine. In the Orthodox Christian faith, only a Church Council or Synod declares doctrine. In Protestant groups, anyone can declare their own doctrine.

What part of the liturgical year is the heart of the Christian faith?

The Easter Triduum which starts on Holy Thursday evening, goes through Good Friday and culminates in the resurrection on Easter morning is the Liturgical Season which is the heart of the Christian faith.

When was Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith created?

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was created in 1542.

What does CDF stand for in the Catholic Religion?

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

What are the gosples?

The Gospels refer to the first four books of the New Testament of the Bible, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They contain accounts of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as well as his ministry and miracles. The Gospels are considered central to Christian faith and are regarded as authoritative sources of Christian doctrine.