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Yes, I have no idea what the poison is but yes they are poison.

A lot of the ring system is made of bits of ice. So maybe it's not so poisonous.

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Q: Is the ring of Saturn poisonous?
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The particles that make up the ring are in orbit around Saturn.

What is around Saturn?

Around Saturn there is a layer of rock and ice and this forms a ring, so a ring is what is around Saturn=D

Is Saturn its self poisonous?

Yep definitely

Which planet has bright colored rings around it?

Saturn, it's rings can even be seen with a small telescope. the brightest rings are ring A and ring BSaturn.

How many roings does Saturn have?

saturn has five ring

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there are no rocks on saturn

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Something special about Saturn is it has a ring

Why is Saturn have its ring?

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Planet with the most extensive ring system?

Saturn's rings are its most prominent feature. Only 3 or 4 are visible through a conventional telescope from Earth. It is estimated that these rings of fine dust and rocks are about 400 000 kilometers wide.