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Though it is generally true that "once a cheater, always a cheater" there are exceptions and I am proof of that. I was married young to a very cold, emotionally distant and demeaning man. I remained faithful to him for eight years before I had an affair that took a year to develop from a friendship. I am in no way justifying what I did, I knew it was wrong then and still believe it is now. They are simply reasons. I craved the physical affection, the attention, etc. everything that I did not get from my husband. I was starved for what I received in the affair, and very little of it was about sex (at least on my part) It tore at my conscience and there was no way I was able to justify it or to carry on with it, no matter that I no longer loved my husband. I discontinued the friendship/affair very shortly after it began and did break with my husband. I was not able to carry on an affair and be married. I felt sick from it and I felt badly about myself and what type of person I had become for it. Now, the good news. I have been remarried for three years now. I can honestly say I have never even thought about cheating on my husband. I believe this is for a few reasons 1. I DID learn from my mistakes 2. I never want to feel that bad about myself again 3. I have realized another person cannot give me all I want, I have to give that to myself. I know this is a generalization, but I believe a lot of women cheat for emotional reasons, for a variety of reasons. If you know your current love cheated in the past, don't chew it over a hundred times with her, but the most important consideration is WHY she cheated and what she learned from it. I'm glad my husband believed in me enough to discuss it and gave me the chance to show him that he is and always will be my one and only. No. Some cheaters have reasons like: They have become depressed and are seeking out what they think they need, but don't really need at all. Some men are lonely and instead of working out problems in their marriage they are too immature, and seek out another woman. Often men ranging from 40 up will go after young girls to boost their egos. Mistakes can be made. None of our lives are perfect, and one can make a mistake. You can usually tell what type of man has cheated, feels guilty and won't do it again and usually means it. It's a small percentage, but it does happen. If my husband cheated on me once I would be hurt, but I know him well enough and would discuss his feelings. It would take me a long time to trust him again, but I'd give him one more chance, but no other chances come after that. Answer Generally speaking, yes. It is showing the person's character. These people understand the importance that society places on trust, particularly in relationships. They have proven they are self-centered in life. "A person's true character is what they do when they think nobody is looking" "A dishonest person is seldom dishonest in only one area of their life." "The best predictor of future behavior, is past behavior." My answer to your question is: From everything I have witnessed in other's experiences, yes. Personally, nobody will have the opportunity to prove that directly with me. Definition of Insanity: "Continuing to do the same thing you have done before, and expecting a different outcome."

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9y ago
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12y ago


Most of the time, yes a cheater is always a cheater. There have been times when a cheater has cheated on the person they truly love and later regretted it. I suppose the only way a cheater would change is if he/she feels the pain of losing someone they truly love.


Yes, a cheater will always be a cheater unless they really want to change and are willing to face the issues that drive them to cheat. Cheating includes lying to their partners and to themselves. Cheating is avoiding their internal problem(s), which is more important to them than the people they care about, their reputation, the respect of others. Their justification for cheating usually involves blaming others, which a another form of lying to themselves.

Occasionally, a cheater becomes unhappy enough about their life to face the problem. A few even go so far as to get help to find the source of this self destructive behavior and work toward overcoming their crutch. This rarely happens because it is so rare that a cheater even recognizes that cheating is a problem. They usually buy into their own lies about how clever they are, how desirable they are, how much fun they're having...

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15y ago

No, "Once a cheater, always a cheater" is not always true. A person is more likely to cheat if they have done so before, but this does not mean they are doomed to do so in future relationships. The choice is up to them to change or not. Some do, some do not.

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15y ago

sometimes unless they really want to change Lots of people make mistakes, realize their mistakes, and commit not to repeat them, so no, "Once a cheater, always a cheater" is not (necessarily) true.

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14y ago

Hmmm an interesting question and I would like to say NO to this. I am an honest , loving and (mostly) faithful woman. I did however have one slip whilst in a long-term relationship and cheated on my partner. I felt sick with myself and confessed to it straight away. I can honestly say it made me so aware how easy it is in fact to cheat on someone and really went against my prior self righteous "if you ever cheated on me we're over" attitude. It was something which happened and I regretted so much. I have never cheated since and can hopefully say i never will again!

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12y ago

It may have its roots in the analysis of behavior itself. i.e... the best indication of ones future behavior is... you got it... their past behavior. The thing about cheating, as with most behavior, is that it in itself isn't the problem. Infidelity is usually a sign of something deeper within the one that "cheats". The act of infidelity reveals weakensses or shortcomings in that persons character that allowed that person to make that particular choice. That is why the "cheater" will often try to deflect responsibility for the infidelity onto something or someone else...the relationship, the betrayed spouse, financial stress, alcohol etc... The bottom line is that the issue at hand isn't the act of cheating but is rooted within the cheaters own character.

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13y ago

Not really. I guess it depends on who the person is and what there known as .

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15y ago

at times just keep an eye on the "cheater"

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14y ago

YES, don't ever trust a cheater.

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