

Is the tapir a prey or predator?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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Q: Is the tapir a prey or predator?
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What is a tapirs predator?

A Jaguar can eat a tapir

Is a tapir a predator or prey?

Both. It's a prey to most carnivores, but a predator to the food that it eats. another answer Tapirs natural enemies are tigers and man, there are four kinds and all are endangered species. The Malay tapir can weigh up to 800 lbs, the Brazilian one is smaller. They are linked to the Horse family. They like to live on or even underneath water and eat soft vegetation, fruits, berries and leaves

What are predator prey relationship?

Example: Lion = Predator Gazelle = Prey The predator seeks after the prey.

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A prey is what a predator hunts down to kill and eat. A prey's predator is what eats it. For example: A gazelle is the prey of a leopard (predator).

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the predator-prey cycle is the increase and decrease in population size of the predator and its prey

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A seal is both.

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What is the relationship between predator and prey populations?

There always has to be more prey than predator. If there is less prey, it will get eaten by the predator and then the predator will starve. If there are not enough predators, the prey may overpopulize.