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Yes the Turkey Trot was named after Turkey for its short jerky steps it takes while walking.

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Q: Is the turkey trot named after the short jerky steps turkeys take?
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Turkey Trot

How fast can a wild turkey fly over a short distance?

A wild turkey can fly up to 55mph. over a short distance.

Do turkeys prefer to walk of run but will fly?

All wild turkeys are able to fly. However, the turkey you are used to eating on holidays probably never flew and may not be able to fly.

Is a turkey a bird?

Turkeys don't fly a lot. They can fly short distances, and they fly down and up from their roosting trees, but they do fly.

Is turkey a flightless bird?

According to the NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation) Turkeys can run at speeds up to 25 mph, and they CAN FLY up to 55 mph.

What is the palindrome for a short jerky motion?


What is the difference between a hawk and a turkey?

Turkeys tail feathers remain open whereas peacocks can close or open them. Turkeys can live in the wild but they usually live on farms and peacocks live in the wild. Peacocks keep to themselves and are pretty quiet, but turkeys are loud. :) Hope I helped.

How fast can turkeys trot?

Wild Turkeys have been clocked going up to 25 miles per hour

What does a turkey look like?

the same only fatter

Where did the turkey come from originally?

1545-55; short for Turkey cock and Turkey hen cock and hen of Turkey, first applied to guinea fowl, later confused with the American bird.The Turkish name for it is hindi, literally "Indian," probably via Middle French dinde (c.1600, contracted from poulet d'inde, literally "chicken from India," Modern French dindon), based on the common misconception that the New World was eastern Asia.

What baby turkeys are called?

Baby Turkeys are called Poults...apparently Baby turkeys are called poults- short for poultry.

What kind of turkey can fly in short distances up to 55 mph?

Yes, turkeys can fly up to 55 mph,but not for very long distances