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Q: Is the us government responsible for collecting costom duties?
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What is a bureau?

A bureau is an administrative unit of government, an organization or office for collecting or providing news, or an office in which professional duties are performed.

Rights and duties of collecting and paying banker?

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What limited responsibility did Jefferson believe government should have?

Jefferson believed the national government should be limited to delivering the mail, collecting customs duties, and conducting a census every 10 years.

Being responsible to your duties?

it is good to be responsible especially to your duties because that's what is expected from a child.

What are the duties of a cashier?

A cashier has many duties. Some of these duties are, collecting money, counting change, ringing up items that are for sale, and sometimes, cleaning.

What are the duties and responsibilities of a credit controller?

A credit controller is responsible for collecting invoices and ensures that credit given to customers is monitored. Duties include processing and generating reminder letters and monthly statements, daily and month end reporting and account reconciliations, and resolving non-paid invoices.

Why is it the duty of the President to be sure that all federal employees perform the duties of their job?

Because - ultimately, the President is responsible for the actions of all government employees.

What are the job duties?

Job duties typically refer to the specific tasks and responsibilities assigned to an individual in a particular role or position within an organization. These duties can vary depending on the job title and industry, but generally include tasks related to the job description, such as conducting research, providing customer service, managing projects, or operating machinery.

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What are the seigneur's duties?

In medieval Europe, a seigneur's duties typically included maintaining law and order within their domain, providing protection to their vassals, overseeing the administration of justice, collecting taxes and other dues, as well as managing the resources of their estate. They were responsible for ensuring the well-being and productivity of the land and its inhabitants under their control.

What are some of the duties of the legislative branch?

The powers are collecting taxes, coining money, and regulating trades.