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Certainly, the episode in which Jesus cursed the fig tree, for not providing him fruit out of season, shows him at his most irrational. It would be easier to believe that this episode never really happened, but that Mark intended it to be read symbolically rather than literally.

MacDonald and others see a parallel in a Homeric episode that might throw light on why 'Mark' had Jesus curse the fig tree for not bearing figs out of season. Odysseus entered a great city in a similarly humble way as Jesus entered Jerusalem and one of the marvels he observed was fig trees bearing fruit in all seasons. They ask whether Mark was reversing this detail from Homer by having Jesus symbolically use the fig tree to picture the unworthiness of Jerusalem to continue in security. As Mark would have known, Jerusalem would soon be destroyed by the Romans.

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Q: Is the verse Mark 11 v 14 correct when Jesus said May no one ever eat fruit from you again?
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