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Q: Is the waxy honeycomb in purchased honey edible?
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What is the waxy structure constructed by bees in a hive?

The waxy structure constructed by honey bees is called honeycomb. It's a structure of hexagonal cells which the bees build to store pollen and honey, and to house their larvae.

Is the honeycomb found in a bottle of honey edible?

yes, the honeycomb found in a bottle of honey is edible. you can eat it with a spoon (though it is a little waxy) or you can put it in tea. i have heard of making a sandwich with it also. i still have yet to find any recipes that use it though. it is chewy, but not in a gum kinda way. some people just chew it til honey is gone and spit out wax, others just eat it anyway. it tastes delicious to me and better than store bought honey. just remember not to give honey to infants, due to spores that their little bodies can't handle

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What do you serve with honeycomb?

Yes honeycomb is edible. Beekeepers are traditionally said to recommend it highly and as a result honeycomb is often referred to as 'beekeepers lunch'. Yes, honeycomb is edible. You can eat it with a spoon (though it is a little waxy) or you can put it in tea. I have heard of making a sandwich with it also. I still have yet to find any recipes that use it though. It is chewy, but not in a gum kind of way. Some people just chew it until the honey is gone and spit out wax, others just eat it anyway. It tastes delicious to me and better than store bought honey. Just remember not to give honey to infants, due to spores that their little bodies can't handle. Actually I do recommend it. It is delicious, and tastes like no honey you've ever eaten, perhaps it's because they process honey. But honeycomb is not processed.

Are tallow tree nuts edible?

No but the waxy outer covering is used for soap and candles.

What is a that waxy white layer on a fruit?

It's wax. (meant to preserve the fruit, but completley edible by people)

How does a carambola look?

The entire fruit is edible, including the slightly waxy skin, unlike other tropical fruits. The flesh is crunchy, firm, and extremely juicy, having a texture similar in consistency to that of grapes.

Who was considered waxy in the Lord of the Flies?

the origional waxy is their old headmaster

The waxy covering of cells?

The epidermis is the waxy layers of some cells

Are Yukon Gold potatoes waxy?

Yes, Yukon Gold potatoes are waxy. Their texture is more waxy than the Yellow Finn potatoes, though more creamy and less waxy than the red potato.

Are croton leaves waxy?

Yes, croton leaves are waxy to some degree.

What another source of the black waxy pigments in carbon paper?

waxy pigment