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Q: Is the weather map on television a computer generated one?
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Is the weather map on television a computer-generated one?


Is the weather map a computer generated one?

Is the weather map computer generated?

What is a computer generated map?

A map that a computer creates or a map that can be found on a computer.

Is weather map computer generated?

Yes. Weather forecasts are calculated by supercomputers that are all over the world, in weather research centers and in certain universities.

Can a weather map and weather symbols be used to forecast the weather accurately?

That is what meteorologists use to show us what is going on with the weather and what weather to expect. The map and symbols that you see on the television are only a very small part of how they come up with a forecast. There are weather models and different weather data that they use to actually come up with the forecast and make the map you see on television.

What are the lines on a weather map on TV called?


How accurate was Franklin's map of the Gulf Stream compared to our current computer generated chart?

It was not as put together as today's computer generated maps.

Why did they invent the weather map?

do you mean for television? if you mean television then its for people who are watching it to know what to expect, if you mean a meterolotogist map or something then i do not know :(

Can a map movie set computer-generated illustration or notebook notes be in a model?

One can buh all cNt

What does a weather map tell us?

Temperatures,rainfall,& air pressures. There ARE more things that a weather map tells us

What kind of map is a weather map?

a map shows the weather

What types of models can be used to model weather how are they used to predict weather patterns?

It is a computer model. They can use it to predict the weather because a weather map shows weather patterns over large areas