

Is the word it a simple predicate?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No. 'It' is a simple subject.

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Q: Is the word it a simple predicate?
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Is Do Not a simple predicate?

A simple predicate is only one word, so do not is not a simple predicate

Simple predicte definition?

Are you referring to the definition to be simple or the definition of "simple predicate"? Anyway, I'm thinking that you mean the former. A simple predicate is the word that shows what is happening. In the before sentence, is is the simple predicate. "is the word that shows what is happening" is the whole predicate. A verb will not always be the simple predicate, and simple predicates will not always be 1 word.

Is the word depends a simple predicate or a verb?

A simple predicate is a verb. Depends is a verb and can be used as the simple predicate of a sentence.

What is difference simple predicate and compound predicate?

A simple predicate is a predicate containing a one word and a compound predicate contains a verb with two words

What is simple predicate?

The KEY word in the predicate part of the sentence. It is not the WHOLE predicate. The simple predicate in a sentence is also known as the verb or verbs. The SIMPLE Predicate is not all the other words that are found in the predicate

Simple predicate examples?

A simple predicate is the main very that is in the predicate of a sentence. The simple predicate tells you what the subject is doing. An example is in the sentence My mom started the dryer, the word started is the simple predicate.

Is the word once a simple predicate?

No. A simple predicate is just a verb. "Once" is not a verb.

Is will sting a simple predicate?

No. The simple predicate would be one word and in this case, it is sting.

What is the simple predicate of this sentence'' Give your reports on Friday''?

give The simple predicate is the verb or action word in the sentence.

What is the simple predicate of this sentence The men finished the game in a short time?

finished is the answer its a simple predicate.

Sometimes called a simple perdicate?

The simple predicate is the key word in the predicate or verb part of the sentence. It is not the entire predicate because then it wouldn't be simple. The simple predicate in a sentence is also known as the verb or verbs. The simple predicate is only the main verb.

Is the word take a simple predicate or a verb?

A simple predicate is a verb. Take can be used as a verb.