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Yes it is very good

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Q: Is the word munched appropriate for the sentence Daniel munched his meal hungrily but with great enjoyment?
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Is the verb transitive intransitive or linking in the sentence The rabbit munched the lettuce?

The verb in the sentence, 'munched' is a transitive verb, a verb that takes an object.An intransitive verb requires no object, for example: The rabbit munched the lettuce and slept. (no object required for the verb 'slept')The easy way to recognize a linking verb is that a linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a form of the subject (The rabbit is white. rabbit=white); or the subject becomes the object (The rabbit got wet. rabbit->wet).The rabbit is not and does not become the lettuce.

A sentence with the word baleful?

To be baleful means to be threatening or menacing. For example, "The bull sent a baleful glance at the intruder as he munched on a blade of grass".

What does butt-muncher mean?

Someone who munched on other peoples butts

Name somthing Bugs Bunny do in all his cartoons?

Munched on a carrot .

Who ate the first pickle?

graham the sheep munched on a pickled pickle

Do chipmunks eat carrots?

Well a chipmunk once munched on my carrot so i would say yes.

What rhymes with crunched?

brunch, lunch, munch, hunch...lunchbunchpunchmunch

What distracts santa?

Cookies and milk. I have seen it he can NOT resist them I think he even knew I was spying on him but still he munched away on those delicouse treats!!!!

Your psp x button stops working except when it is plugged in and when it is not plugged in my green on light is on even when my psp is off what can i do?

i think your psp is a bit munched!!!

What rhymes with hunch?

munch lunch bunch punch

What is a sentence using the word straw?

Where do you keep all your crops? Do you have any Straw?

What meats do rhinos eat?

None, intentionally. By definition they are herbivores, plant eaters. But anything small enough to be hidden in a mouthful of grass or leaves might get munched up by accident.