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Yes, at least on the calender America uses, which I believe is the Roman calender.

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13y ago

No one knows for sure when Jesus was born, but all we know is that it was in the winter of year 0.

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Q: Is the year Christ was born zero?
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What year is 2009 if you count christ as zero?

Can I just point out there never was, never can be, a year Zero....

How many years ago was Christ born?

2011 years ago before Christ was born, the time went back wards. When Christ was born, the time started going forward, therefore, it is easy to tell when Christ was born. ( what year it is, that is the year that Christ was born. ) ( Christ is Jesus. )

What year did the christian calendar begin?

Well, there was no year 0 (zero), so it must have been 1, the first year of Jesus Christ's life.

How did the calendar get turned to zero for the birth of Jesus Christ?

it marks the beginning of the year of the Lord (anno Domini)

Why there is no year zero in our calendar?

Our system of numbering the year originated from the birth of Jesus Christ (hence the terms BC - Before Christ and AD - Anno Domini - in the year of Our Lord). This system did not become widespread for many years after Jesus ans so the years had to be counted back to when iit was believed he was born. However, there were two mistakes in the calculation; first, there was no year zero included (so the year before 1 AD was 1 BC) and, in any case, the year which they took to be Christ's birth was also wrong, his actually being born in or around what we call 4 BC. But the calendar, with its errors, stuck - and we have been using it ever since over 2000 years later.

What year was Christ born in?

In the year o! yep! the year zero because peoples didnt have years and time(like 9 o'clock) back then it was later discovered that it would be easier with years and time! EDIT: This answer is wrong, there is no year 0. The Jews marked they year by the time they had been occupied by rome, Romans judged time by the age of the empire.

What year would you be born if you were 8?

There has never been a year in which the people born were 8. Everyone who was ever born was zero at the time.

What does BC in history mean?

It means Before Christ. (Christ was born in the year 0). BC stands for Before Christ. So 1000BC is 1000 years Before Christ was born

What year was Christanity started?

Christianity was basically started by the message God sent mankind through Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ was born approximately 2000 years ago. The year numbers we use, for example "2013", are counted from the birth of Christ, but it is actually not known for sure in exactly what year He was born.

Does ad refer to after Christ died?

No, it refers to after Christ was born...AD stands for Anno Domini - translated as In the year of the Lord

What does Christ bc means?

BC is before the Christian era; it is used in dates before the supposed year Christ was born.

What is meaning of AD1950?

it is the meaning of after death of jesus christ and in the year of 1950... bc was before christ was born into this world..x