

Is their first communion with all religions?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is their first communion with all religions?
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Answer Christian

What is the first holy communion?

It is the First time you receive Holy Communion. You need to be of proper age, be baptised, and know all the facts of Holy Communion (Such as the real presence of Christ) to receivel presence of Christ though.

Do other religions besides catholics take communion?

Yes, other religions that take communion are Orthodox Christianity, Protestants (Anglican, Lutheran, Baptist, Mennonites, Anabaptists, Reformed, Presbyterian, United Methodist), and Restorationists (Jehova's Witness, Latter-Day Saints, Seventh Day Adventists, Branch Davidian Seventh Day Adventists).

Why do catholics receive the sacraments?

As a sign of forgiveness for their sins. Other religions besides Catholicism also receive the blessed sacrament of Holy Communion.

Can you receive communion a church service if you have not received First Communion?


How long is a first communion?

If you are talking about the service, then it depends on the number of candidates receiving first holy communion. The children receiving the holy communion for the very first time normally have a skit or a play or a song at the end of the mass. So depending on all these the mass might last for and hour and a half.

Can c of e take communion at child's first communion?

Nobody can take Holy Communion in a Catholic Church, you may only receive Holy Communion from the priest, and then only if you have been baptized in the Catholic Church and previously made your first Confession and First Holy Communion. Bottom line? An Anglican may not take communion in a Catholic Church.

What happens if you accidentally take Communion before First Communion?

Roman Catholic AnswerIf you accidentally receive Holy Communion before your First Holy Communion, then you better accidentally talk to a priest ASAP and accidentally receive First Confession.

When are christians allowed to receive there First Communion?

In order to do Communion, you have to take special classes that are around 3 months long and the Pastor/Preacher teaches the class. The classes are about communion, baptisim, the Ten Commandments etc. and once a person passes all the classes and attended all of them, the then go into Confimation which is a big deal. In confirmation the person has to memorize afew things and then they are confirmed and have their first communion. From then on, in the next church services(Sundays), the person can take communion. Before Confirmation even happens, the person cannot do communion.

IS taking communion before your First Communion bad?

Definitely. John 13:2: "if you take the Host before First Communion you'll burn in hell."

Where do you do your first communion?

in a church

Are there godparents for Holy Communion?

No, there are no Godparents nor sponsors for First Holy Communion.