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In some ways the legend of Dionysus resembles the legend of Osiris.

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Q: Is there a Egyptian myth related to dionysus?
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Who was dionysus second wife?

In Greek myth Dionysus did not have a second wife.

How does Dionysus kill Perseus?

In Greek myth, Dionysus does not kill Perseus.

How long was dionysus married?

In Greek myth, Dionysus never divorced.

How did Dionysus become a symbol of resurrection?

There are two answers to this question, because Dionysus eventually became syncretised with his Egyptian counterpart, thus embracing Egyptian as well as Greek myth. There were many similarities between Dionysus and the Egyptian god Osiris, so when the Greeks adopted the Egyptian Mysteries in the 5th century BCE, they replaced Osiris by Dionysus to make the new religion more acceptable in Greece. Dionysus was a Greek god said to have been born from a mortal woman but fathered by a god, and to have returned from the dead. Also known as Bacchus in Roman mythology, he was famous for having transformed water into wine. .

When was dionysus born and when did he die?

Dionysus's birth is not given in myth; and being that Dionysus is ageless and immortal, he did not die.

What are the details of the myth of Dionysus?

Click link below, then choose Dionysus from menu!

What school did dionysus go to?

In ancient Greek myth, Dionysus did not go to a formal school.

Why are Hestia and Dionysus alike?

Hestia is the aunt of Dionysus; they are not otherwise alike in Greek myth.

What date was dionysus born on?

Greek myth did not have a calendar. The birth date of Dionysus is therefore unknown.

According to the myth how is Dionysus born?

From the thigh of Zeus.

When was the birthday fo Dionysus?

In myth, there are no birthdays or timeline.

What year was Dionysus born on?

Greek myth does not state it.