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Q: Is there a Fahrenheit temperature that is double a Celsius temperature?
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What temperature will the reading on the Fahrenheit scale be double of the reading on the Celsius scale?

160 Celsius = 320 Fahrenheit

At what temperature is Fahrenheit double Celsius?

At approximately -12.3 °F the equivalent temperature in Celsius is -24.6 °C. This is the only temperature at which the value of the temperature in Celsius is double that of the equivalent Fahrenheit temperature. To be more precise, the temperatures are -12 4/13 °F and -24 8/13 °C.

What temperature in Fahrenheit is 39.4 Celsius?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (39.4o Celsius)(1.80) + 32 = 102.9o Fahrenheit ==============

What temperature Fahrenheit equals Celsius?

At -40 Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same temperature.

Is your body temperature Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Temperature is mesured in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius OR 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

What are Celsius and Fahrenheit?

temperature scalesBoth Celsius and Fahrenheit are forms of measuring the temperature.

What does 37.8 Celsius equal in Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (37.8 degrees Celsius) * (1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = 100.04 degrees -------------------------------------------------------

How much is 0.6 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (0.6 Celsius )(1.80) + 32 = 33.1 degrees Fahrenheit -----------------------------------

What is -0.5 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (- 0.5o C)(1.80) + 32 = 31o Fahrenheit ===========

How do you convert -1.69 celsius into Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (- 1.69)(1.80) + 32 = 29 degrees Fahrenheit --------------------------------

What is the Celsius temperature if the Fahrenheit temperature is 95?

95 degrees Fahrenheit = 35 degrees Celsius.

If the temperature is 40 celsius what is the Fahrenheit temperature?

40 degrees Celsius = 104 degrees Fahrenheit