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I use Melaleuca products and the Solumel works tremedously to get pain out of carpet. I have even used it as a paint stripper for some old door hardware that I needed to remove paint off of by submerging the pieces in the Solumel. To remove paint out of carpet, I took a cloth soaked with Solumel and let it sit on the spot until it had softened the dried paint to where I could remove it. You will have to make sure to keep the cloth wet while doing this; a sponge soaked in it may work too. I hope this helps you as it did me; I had to remove the dried paint from a brand new carpet that had just been laid!

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Q: Is there a Melaleuca product that can get paint out of carpet?
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Is melaleuca sold in stores in Canada?

Melaleuca is NOT a retail product. All Melaleuca products can be purchased direct from the company, either as a preferred customer (savings for you) or as a regular customer (no savings, but no minimum product order). Any Melaleuca representative can get you setup with the company and help you order.

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A lot of the Melaleuca products are not sold through normal stores. You either have to purchase them through an independent consultant or alternatively, you can buy Melaleuca products online. One of the easiest places to go online to buy Melaleuca products is the Melaleuca Product store. You can shop on the site by room, your lifestyle or your particular health need. Additionally, you can browse through all current items on the Melaleuca Product store site. The company has a loyalty points system where you can earn reward points for future purchases.

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Paint first. There is no use in cleaning a carpet that might get paint on it later. Paint first just in case you end up getting the carpet dirty so you don't have to clean twice.

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A Melaleuca Product called Sol-U-Mel removes it the best

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You have wall edging and you want to paint it but it is over carpet can anyone give directions or a helpful website?

I get a piece of hard plastic or thin wood put it up against the wall tight push down on carpet as far as you can so carpet isn`t showing then trim with paint. Time consuming but it works ( no paint on carpet )