

Is there a Noun with a w vowel sound not starting with w?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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How about the word "vowel" itself? Or the word "vow"?

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Q: Is there a Noun with a w vowel sound not starting with w?
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Is 'w' a vowel or a consonant sound?

The letter 'w' can represent both a vowel sound (as in "cow" or "now") and a consonant sound (as in "well" or "window").

Does the word wife have a long or short vowel sound?

'Wife' has a long vowel sound: w-eye-f.

Does the word one have a short or long vowel sound?

The vowel sound for "one" is a short U, with a W preceding. (wun)

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In "allow," the vowel "a" makes the schwa sound, represented by the upside-down "e" symbol /ə/.

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Yes, the letter "o" in "aglow" represents a long vowel sound.

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The vowel O in owl is controlled by the following W, making the vowel neither short or long. It makes the sound OW, as in COW.

Is once a short or long vowel word?

The O in "once" has a W-short U (wuh) vowel sound, as does the number one (wun).

Is y a vowel in boy?

Yes. It is considered a vowel here because, rather than merely influencing the vowel sound (day, obey), it creates the diphthong sound "oi." The vowels are a, e, i o and u and sometimes y and w.

Does persuade have a long vowel a sound?

Yes - it sounds like perswade when spoken. The U has a W sound, the A is long, and the E is silent.

Does when have a long e sound?

No. The E is a short E as in then. Words with W and WH can have unusual vowel sounds.

Do you use An before a number?

If the number starts with a vowel sound, yes. It doesn't have to BE a vowel, but it has to have a vowel SOUND. Examples: A one (one starts with a w sound so it is not a vowel SOUND) A two A three A four A five A six A seven An eight (eight starts with the long A sound, a vowel sound) A nine A ten An eighty (same as with eight) An eleven A hundred A thousand An eight hundred You could say, for instance, "I've never seen an eight hundred dollar bill."

What is a semivowel?

The standard vowels are A, E, I , O, and U. The semi-vowels are Y and W. The Y takes the place of a vowel, typically I as in the words by, myth, and rhythm. The W forms the diphthong sound ou/ow in words such as how and cow, where the O loses its O sound. In other ow words, the W can be considered silent (blow, show). (In Welsh, the W is a semi-vowel with the sound of a long U or OO.)