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The role of Jane is taken by Ashley ross. A new actor

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Q: Is there a Picture of Shauna Powell who may be Jane in new moon?
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Who is the actress Shauna Powell?

she's playing Jane in new moon. ever read twilight? then you'll know what I'm talking about (:

Where can you get a picture of Dakota Fanning as Jane from twilight-new moon?

Google Images.

Who does Jane kiss in New Moon?

In the book New Moon, Jane kisses Aro.

Who will be playing Jane in New Moon?

Dakota Fanning is going to play Jane in New Moon.

Has Jane been casted in new moon?

Ashley Ross will be playing Jane in new moon. she is a new actor

What group does Jane belong in in new moon?

Jane belongs to the volturi

In New Moon Does Jane from new moon have any brother's or sister's?

Jane of the Volturi in New Moon has a twin brother. He is also one of the Volturi and his name is Alec.

What is the first picture in new moon of?

the moon

In the movie New Moon did Dakota Fanning play Jane by actress?

Yes. Dakota Fanning did play Jane in New Moon.

Who is going to play Jane in New Moon?

Dakota Fanning is supposed to play Jane in New Moon No, it's EMMA WARD.

What is personification for the moon?

The waking moon woke Jane up at night.

Who was cast as Jane in new moon?

Dakota Fanning is being cast as Jane.