

Is there a Skeleton Creek book 5?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No i don't think so

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Q: Is there a Skeleton Creek book 5?
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Is there a fifth book to the Skeleton Creek series?

There are four books in the Skeleton Creek book series.

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What is the name of the third Skeleton Creek book?

The third Skeleton Creek book is called "The Crossbones."

Is Skeleton Creek a series?

skeleton Creek is a book series, and a good one in my opinion.

What is skeleton creek?

Skeleton creek is the first book in a scary seriesw by Patrick Carman! skeleton creek is also oner of the best books ever!

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it is out

When will Skeleton Creek book four come out?

Skeleton creek book four(The Raven)is coming out on the 1of March so it is already out <3 glad I can help

What is the name of the fourth Skeleton Creek book?

the raven

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Will the book Skeleton Creek be made into a movie?

Yes it will be.