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Yes, Usually it entails a simple criminal history check, as well as any credentials/ASE you may claim to have through the B.A.R as well as certs. Also, most shops ( I know almost all dealership, weather union or independent ) will run a DMV background, or require you to obtain a 3 year history on your driving record. Having points/infractions on your drivers license doesn't necessarily mean you won't get the job, but pending on how many, and what the infractions are for may red flag the shop/dealerships insurance and make it non-feasible to insure you to test drive customer cars rendering your employment opp (kinda of hard to be a tech who cant test their own repairs or confirm customers complaints). Lastly, with the industry the way it is, and what usually comes with the territory, Drug Tests have become pretty much so standard with Automotive Technician applicants. Usually its a simple UA (urine analysis) test (most independent shops choose this method to satisfy the minimum) but as of late, allot of Union based Dealerships have gone to Hair Follicle testing for a more accurate as well as longer detail history on drug use. In the case of Union employed dealerships (vs. Independent) if you fail your drug test its an immediate non-hire and usually excludes you from re-applying for a minimum of 180 days up to a full 365 days. Some independent shops that use UA tests will allow a potential applicant to re-test within 30 days of a failed drug test.

Hope this helps.

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Q: Is there a background check on being a mechanic?
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