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The American Red Cross website offers a lot of information on blood types. You can find charts on recipient-donor compatibility, blood types by population, and how blood type is determined. You can find this information at

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Q: Is there a blood type chart available online?
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Where can a person obtain a blood type chart?

You can go to a blood bank or a blood mobile to get a blood type chart next time you give blood. You can also print one online from many blood bank information sites.

there is a blood type chart that you can ask the doctor to see?

You can ask your doctor for information about your blood type during your next visit. I'm sure he will point you to a chart, and/or a pamphlet describing how to determine your blood type, and what it means.

Are there blood type test kits available online?

You cannot purchase blood type kits from an online retailer. IT would be best to visit your doctor, as often they have that on file, and if they don't it's a very simple blood test to determine it.

Where is a chart of blood type donors and recipients?

I would say you can ask your doctor or get one from where you give blood at. You can also go to the online donor sites and find one that you could print out.

I need a blood type chart, where can I find one?

The Red Cross would be the most likely source for a blood type chart. Not only would they be able to provide such a chart but would also be able to fully explain and educate one on what it includes, how it maps out blood types and how to properly read and understand the information the chart contains.

Where are places that will test for my blood type?

There are numerous avenues for you to find out your blood type. If you have ever had any type of blood testing done, your blood type should be listed in your medical chart. Asking your primary care physician would be the easiest avenue in finding out your blood type. If you will be donating blood, you also can ask the phlebotomist if he/she can tell you your blood type, however this processes won't be as instantaneous as asking your PCP.If either of these scenarios is not a fit for you, there are home testing kits available on-line for purchase.

Is there such a thing as a blood type diet chart?

There is no scientific evidence that blood type influences diet in any way. Any diet chart you may find will not be based on scientific fact and should be used with caution.

Where do I go to determine my blood type?

In order to determine your blood type, you will need to have a blood test conducted. Possible testing locations include your Primary Care Physician, as well Blood Donation Centers. There are also Blood Type Test Kits available over-the-counter at certain drugstores and online.

Where can I find a blood type diet chart?

Yes there are many locations where you can find blood type diet charts. One is which has a link to the chart on it's homepage. Another is In the Special reports section of the website's library section is an article titled Blood Type Diet.

How is a blood typing chart organized?

The different blood types are listed by their letters, and are represented by what blood types they can donate to/receive from. The chart on red cross' website goes from top to bottom according to type.

How do you know what type of blood group you're in?

It is highly advised to get a doctor to administer a blood test; however, there are home test kits available for purchase online and in many pharmacies.

Not knowing what blood type I am, what percent chance would be that i would have 0 negative?

There are blood type kits available for purchase online, on websites such as Amazon. You can also ask a doctor to perform a blood test on you, and he or she can evaluate what blood type you are.As for what percent chance there is that you have o negative, it depends. Wikipedia states 6.6% of the US population has O negative blood type.