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Q: Is there a ceremony for Indian girls to become women?
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The Womanhood Ceremony, where girls become women. They have to grind flour and do tons of chores to make them a better person.

What is a kin-nadl-dah?

The Womanhood Ceremony, where girls become women. They have to grind flour and do tons of chores to make them a better person.

Can a woman answer this question do Indian girls love to have muscles and be bodybuilders?

Yes they do and hoping in the future indian women bodybuiding is popular.

When do you call your self as women?

You call yourself as a women during your lifetime if you are a woman. Young girls grow and mature and become young women and as they age they become women, then mature women.

Do Indian village girls wear panty under saree?

Yes, the Indian village girls wear panties under the saree. The saree is an Indian tradition wear that is worn by both the men and women. No- Men don't wear saree in the name of tradition, only women wear sarees.

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All Jewish girls (not just Orthodox) may have a ceremony at age 12 or 13 called a Bat Mitzvah. Adult Women may also have a Bat Mitzvah. There is no age limit after age 12.

Can girls become pilot?

Yes! Of course they can. Lots of pilots are women.

What ceremonies did the Lipan Apache?

Puberty Right's Ceremony is one of the most controversial. At one point we were banned from practicing this ritual. Today it is done once a year for the girls that are coming of age. This is where the young women of the bands become a women in the eyes of her Band. Long ago it would last many days. After practicing this ritual in secret for many years. The ceremony became shortened to only a few days.

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What is the stage in human life cycles where girls become women and boys become men known as?

WomenWell 16

Do Indian guys like white women?

Not all Indian guys like white women,but a majority of them do. I am white and have been with an Indian guy before. I think it also depends on how religious the Indian guy is.

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