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Due to a lack of nutrients, anorexics (many of whom avoid meat altogether and become vegetarian or vegan) will develop anemia due to low iron levels.

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Q: Is there a connection between Anemia and anorexia?
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Loss or absence of menstrual periods a sign for anorexia nervosa?

This could be anorexia or anemia from lack of iron.

When people watch what they eat and exercise what disease risks are lowered?

bulimia anorexia diabetes and anemia

Is Anemia or Anorexia worse?

uhh. i wouldnt say they are comparable. one is an eating disorder (anorexia) where one starves themselves and the other (anemia) is when blood vessels rupture and break down both can be very dangerous and possibly life theatening but thats about as much as they have in common

What are the long term effects for anorexia?

Anorexia in the long-term, if not treated properly, can be fatal. The health concerns of anorexia - even if an individual is treated and recovered - can include life-long problems associated with anemia, osteoporosis/brittle bones, and heart problems.

How connection the jaundice with bilary and anamia?

what i understand the jaundice is increase of excess f bile pigment but how can be connection with anemia or will not connection

What is the connection between hypercellularity in bone marrow and megaloblastic anemia?

Megaloblasitc anemia refers to the abnormal enlargement of RBCs rendering them useless and subject to hemolysis, therefore the bone marrow must up regulate its hematopoietic stem cell production and in particular the differentiation of reticularcytes to counter the anemia.

Is there any connection between anorexia and the endorcrine system?

Yes. Though anorexia (anorexia nervosa) is regarded as a mental health issue and usually is associated with the nervous system pathologies, there are many affects of anorexia on the endocrine system, mostly because most hormones require protein for their production. Also, the metabolic processes in the body are put under great stress because they do not have enough nutrients to perform properly. This can become evident when a woman that has anorexia stops menstruating.

What is the difference between the names anorexia nervosa and anorexia?

It is just a shorter version of the full name. Anorexia is short for Anorexia Nervosa. Therefore, Anorexia Nervosa is commonly referred to as Anorexia. (As is Bulimia. Bulimia is short for Bulimia Nervosa.)

When does anorexia often begin?

Anorexia is most common between the ages of 12 and 28.

At what age do the most people have anorexia?

The age at which the most people have anorexia is between 12 and 25.

What is the effect on the kidney of a person with anorexia?

Anorexia can commonly cause organs to become starved due to a lack of food and adequate nutrients. This can lead to organ malfunction or failure. Anorexia has also been known to cause anemia. The kidneys can have trouble processing nutrients and waste in the body, and can also begin to develop kidney stones.

How does hypothyroidism cause microcytic anemia?

malabsorption of iron occur in hypothyroidism due to anorexia and infiltration of GIT mucosa by the myxeomatous substance , menorrhagia which occurs in females