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Q: Is there a correlation between the tectonic plates and earthquakes?
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Is there correlation between tectonic plates and earthquakes?

Absolutely! The friction and catching from tectonic plate movement causes quakes.

Is earthquakes common at the boundaries between tectonic plates?


Where are earthquakes manily located?

Earthquakes are usually located in between two tectonic plates.

Where on earth do earthquakes occur?

Most earthquakes occur at or near the boundaries between tectonic plates.

How are tectonic plates involved in causing earthquakes and volcanoes?

the tectonic plates shake under the earth causing earthquakes

Does Uranus have earthquake?

uranus is a gas giant. Gas giants lack the tectonic plates (rocky plates floating on top of a molten core) necessary to have earthquakes. Only rocky planets which have tectonic plates can have earthquakes.

Why earthquakes in Italy?

As it is along a fault line (gap between tectonic plates)

What are the plates called that make earthquakes?

Tectonic plates

Can solar flares cause earthquakes?

There is a direct correlation between solar flares and earthquakes. As the Moon affects our tides, the Sun affects the mantle, tectonic plates and disrupts electrical activity. When there are large solar flares, within a week we experience earthquakes here on Earth.

What triggers the earthquake?

Earth is made up of many tectonic plates. When these plates shift, earthquakes happen. The tectonic plates are always moving, but most of the earthquakes are tremors (depends on how close you are to the place the tectonic plates are shifting).

Earthquakes occur mainly allong the edges of?

Tectonic plates and fault lines created by the movement of tectonic plates.

Where in the Earth do Earthquakes come from?

the tectonic plates