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Do you mean in an individual or as a general trend?

In an individual it depends on the cause of obesity - if the cause is overeating then of course you can. If the cause is medical then it may be harder but should still be possible - in most cases.

Either way the vast majority of cases of obesity are caused by overconsumption of food - something which can be remedied very simply.

Eliminating cola and other sodas and replacing them with water would help a lot of people instantly. Do not drink diet sodas either they are full of chemicals that your body has to process.....

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11y ago

Obesity is not a disease so there is no cure.

Obesity will cause a person to be tired, have cravings for unhealthy foods, and look "fat." Although obesity affects the inside of the body, it also causes heart and lung problems including trouble breathing, heart attack, or stroke. To overcome obesity and get a healthy weight, there is a lot of things you can do. For starters, a person can eat healthy and exercise. Although there are some things you need to avoid when losing weight: those dieting meals and pills. Trust me, the pounds don't just "fall off." Like the Greeks say: there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you are serious about losing weight you will work hard towards your goal. I hear putting a picture on the refrigerator of you skinny (how you want to look) and a picture of you obese (what you don't want to look like) can help motivate yourself to reach your goal.

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Is there a food cure for obesity?

No, no food cure for obesity. The only way you can lose weight is by changing your diet and exercising more.

Is aromatherapy used to cure obesity?

No, aromatherapy cannot be used to cure obesity. If only it were so easy. The only way to reverse obesity is to look at what causes obesity. For more information about what causes obesity, you may wish to see a related question, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

How many people have Obesity?

Well, obesity isn't like cancer. It's not one of those things that only ends at death or cure. Obesity is thought to increase death rates, but everyone can be said to "survive" it because it doesn't directly kill.

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Well, obesity isn't like cancer. It's not one of those things that only ends at death or cure. Obesity is thought to increase death rates, but everyone can be said to "survive" it because it doesn't directly kill.

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Arthritis is an inflammatory disease. It can be caused by family history, the person's gender, age, and obesity. There are treatments available but no cure.

What is the Wii designed for?

The wii is trying to get us to get in shape trying to help cure obesity in America while providing fun games to play.

Why do some people lose their sight?

Childhood Obesity....thats how....its a sad sad thing. Donate to the Childhood Obesity Blind Disease Fund to help us find a cure. Call 42-42-564. Thank you, we appreciate the help.

How does the wii affect us?

The wii is trying to get us to get in shape trying to help cure obesity in America while providing fun games to play.

Can you cure Obesity?

How to cure obesity is a question that needs to be tailored to the individual, but briefly: - Pay attention to your diet. Look at what you're eating. Substitute whole foods for processed, fresh foods for reconstituted, and prepare your own meals as much as you can. Eat more proteins and greens, less simple carbohydrates and sugars. - Exercise. Even simple cardio workouts like an afternoon walk, if done daily, will help burn fat and reduce obesity. - Improve your knowledge. There are hundreds of books and some really good websites out there that will educate you.

What the best title for research paper 'obesity'?

How about "Obesity".

Does anarexia cure obesity?

Anarexia gets rid of obesity, but anarexia is much less healthy than obesity. People who are anarexic don't get enough nutrients, and nutrients are what enable use to do everything we do. Thinking, moving, growing, healing, and everything our mind and body does, requires nutrients in order to do it. Food is our fuel, and without it we have no energy or strength and we can't think straight. There are better ways to get rid of bodyfat than by malnutrition.

Why is Wii good for you?

The wii is good for you because its trying to get us to get in shape trying to help cure obesity in America while providing fun games to play.